- Playing The Music We Grew Up With -
A Wonderful Mix of Oldies, Rock & Roll and Blues
John Doherty
John got the 'music bug' at age 13 when brother Ray showed him a few guitar chords. Like others of that era, he wanted to play like The Beatles. One of his school buddies, Terry Donohue was just as eager to learn, and John was happy to share the little he knew with him. Curiously, 45 years and many bands later, you now find brother Ray, John and Terry along with 3 local 'musical brothers' performing as The Doherty Brothers Band. John has spent 35 years working in the financial services industry and is still involved part time today.
One constant has remained however..he still has that 'musical bug' and with the other guys in the band he's still trying to play like The Beatles.
Ray Doherty
Ray's musical journey began in high school when his dad noticed his interest and bought him a guitar and amp. He admired the musicians who played the Beatles and Rolling Stones and with only a few lessons he was on his way to a lifetime of musical enjoyment. During his formative years he played in local bands like Sledge, Lowdown, Mississippi Blue, and E.S.P. He learned to play bass as well to widen his musical ability. Ray and brother John decided to work together as the Doherty Brothers and he developed an interest in keyboards to round out his musical abilities. Retired after 30 years as a counsellor from Rideau Regional centre Ray now plays keyboards in The Doherty Brothers Band and still enjoys playing the guitar and bass.
Terry 'Gunner' Donohue
In grade seven music class, Terry watched his school buddy John Doherty play Beatles songs on the guitar along with the teacher. He knew that playing the guitar was something he had to do and from that a whole new world opened up. Through hard work and dedication, Terry taught himself how to play the guitar and then expanded his talent by graduating from courses at The Royal Conservatory of Toronto. Not only has he taught guitar to those eager to learn, he has played with many talented local musicians and bands such as Freddy Dixon, Gary Allen, Red Cedar, Cadillac Street, and has done several studio recordings. Terry now brings his extensive experience and musical gift to The Doherty Brothers.
Brian Timmins
Born and raised in Perth Ontario, Brian comes from a musical background. At the tender age of fifteen he began his musical career playing the drums and taught himself all the intricicies of drumming. He has played with various bands over the years playing everything fron Country to Hard Rock. Brian's regular drums are a Ludwig set that includes a very special Slingerland deep snare circa 1948 that he had refurbished and he also has an electronic kit for those smaller venues. The Doherty Brothers brings his great talent, timing, and experience to the stage. This makes playing fun and very enjoyable thirty five years later.
John McElroy
Originally from Ottawa, John has been playing in bands since he was in grade 8 and has had a love for music since a young age. In High School, he decided to switch from guitar to bass in a band called The Bananajuana Brass. John has been in rock bands, oompa bands, stage bands, folk bands, road bands, country bands, and has played with a variety of people including Robin Moir, Neville Wells, Fred Dixon, and Terry Carice . He was also a member of the very successful band, WYNDE which played throughtout the Ottawa area for 10 years and has been involved in studio work for 45 years. John retired in 2008 from 35 years service as a local paramedic. He now enjoys working in his cabinet shop and playing with the Doherty Brothers.
Scott 'Scotty' Cameron
Scott is another local Perth area boy and has been playing the harmonica (harp) since he was a young teenager. He never gives up an opportunity to jam or get up on stage and join in. He has recorded music and played with a number of talented musicians over the years. Scott's style of playing was influenced greatly after taking a few lessons from a Juno and Maple Blues Award Winner Al Lerman of Fathead. Scott has a love and a unique feel for the “Blues” that mixes well with the many styles of music that The Doherty Brothers play.